

About The Podcast

The Artword Podcast is a series of dynamic interviews with artists, curators and all of the inspiring people Jenny Danielsson find around the world. Each episode focuses around a particular theme. The conversations are skillfully edited by Eric Persson.

 Jenny Danielsson. Founder and host of The Artword. Photo: Calle Ljungström

 Jenny Danielsson. Founder and host of The Artword. Photo: Calle Ljungström


The Artword Podcast is a series of dynamic interviews with artists, curators and all of the inspiring people Jenny Danielsson find around the world. Each episode focuses around a particular theme. The conversations are skillfully edited by Eric Persson.


Connect With The Podcast

You can subscribe to The Artword: iTunes | Acast | RadioPublic | Stitcher RSS

You can follow the conversation and chime in! on our Facebook | Instagram 

The Artword Podcast Team: Music for the podcast by Rasmus Thord, founder and host Jenny Danielsson is in the middle, and audio engineer Eric Persson. Photo: Calle Ljungström

The Artword Podcast Team: Music for the podcast by Rasmus Thord, founder and host Jenny Danielsson is in the middle, and audio engineer Eric Persson. Photo: Calle Ljungström


This show is independently produced by The Artword