Lyt med når vi i Tee Salon er i selskab med Københavns stadsarkitekt Camilla Van Deurs, direktør for Distortion Thomas Fleurquin og Uffe Elbæk til en samtale om den canadiske journalist, forfatter aktivist og byplanlægningskritiker Jane Jacobs
Lyt med når vi i Tee Salon, er i selskab med forfatter Jens Andersen, sceneinstruktør Birgitte Næss Schmidt og Uffe Elbæk og taler om en af vores helt store helte Astrid Lindgren. Vi taler blandt andet om den ensomhed der til tider udspilles i hendes karaktere og vi taler ligeledes om Astrids egen euforiske ensomhed. Vi kommer også ind på hendes tid i den svenske efterretningstjeneste - hendes såkaldte snuskjob og om alle de skjulte politiske budskaber der ofte var i Astrids forfatterskab.
En samtale mellem Marie Schjeldal fra FALLUCKA og journalist og forfatter Lars Movin, forfatter og forlægger Shëkufe Tadayoni Heiberg og Uffe Elbæk da de til Tee Salon havde Allen Ginsberg som omdrejningspunkt. I dialogen diskutere og går de på opdagelse i Allen Ginsbergs liv og arbejde i en undersøgelse af om den amerikanske beatniks tænkning og livsrejse stadig har relevans for os i 2022.
FALLUCKA har været i Paris og har haft en samtale med art advisor Julie Silbermann fra Collaborations by Tania & Thomas Asbæk.
I podcasten får du gode tips til, at opleve den Parisiske kunstscene og Julie tager os igennem en must see rute hvis du besøger den smukke by.
Vi taler blandt andet om Emily Mae Smith, ved Perrotin og Galleria Continua som er en mer oplevelse ud over det sædvanlige.
I anledning af Copenhagen Contemporarys nye udstilling Light & Space inviterede FALLUCKA sammen med Park Bio, CCs direktør Marie Nipper, astrofysiker Tina Ibsen og billede kunstner Ann Linn Palm Hansen til live-talk i den smukke gamle biograf om såvel udstillingen som Light & Space bevægelsen.
I dette afsnit af Fallucka resumé er vi taget til Paris for at møde Rebecca Helewa Graversen som arbejder i kultur afdelingen i det danske hus i Paris. Vi hører kort om Rebeccas arbejde, om Maison du Danemark´s historie, og om…
I dette afsnit af FALLUCKAS” Når Mennesker Mødes” har vi inviteret os selv med, til en venskabelig og åbenhjertelig samtale mellem billedkunstner Thomas Poulsen aka FOS og modeskaber Mads Nørgaard. Scenen er sat i FOS' værksted omgivet af lilla silkegardiner, malerrester, stål og plastikstrimler. I podcasten kan du blandt andet høre hvordan…
FALLUCKA har i dette afsnit af ’Når mennesker mødes’ sat Husk Mit Navn og Mikkel Grønnebæk fra V1 Galleri stævne i et nedlagt solcenter på Amager. Resultatet er en podcast, der tager os på en kunstnerisk tidsrejse tilbage til slutningen af 90’erne og starten af 00’erne. Vi taler om pølsekunst på Amager, om Husk Mit Navn og Mikkels debut som ”Lorte DJs” på Rust, om ikke at kunne…
I Michael Kviums sommerhus er FALLUCKA inviteret indenfor sammen med verdens bedste håndboldspiller Mikkel Hansen, der privat har en meget stor interesse for kunst og sågar har værker af netop Kvium. Over en samtale der ender med at strækker sig over flere timer, mødes to personligheder, der hver især repræsenterer det ypperste indenfor deres felt, for første gang. Resultatet er blevet…
Venskabet mellem Troels og Nicolas opstod oprindeligt da Nicolas købte et kunstværk af Troels Carlsen, derfra er vokset et stærkt venskab, som vi får lov at få et indblik i, gennem en samtale hjemme hos Nicolas Bro. Her kommer vi blandt andet ind på hvordan de to venner tolker og afkoder kunsten. Vi taler om, hvordan Nicolas Bro nogle gange opfatter Troels Carlsens værker som…
To respond to the challenges caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic, the network of Finnish Cultural and Academic Institutes launched Together Alone, an open call for artistic projects. For the next two episodes, of which the first will even have an extra bonus Intro, FALLUCKA has collaborated with The Finnish Cultural Institute in Denmark. Together with special guest host Irene Campolmi we have selected two different artistic projects to do a podcast on. In the podcast we will learn more about…
I podcasten møder vi kunstner Nana Francisca Schottländer til en dialog om, hvad pandemien betyder for hende og for kunsten lige nu. Samt om det at se de positive muligheder i, hvad den kan give os. Nana Francisca arbejder med relationer - både mellem mennesker og til det andet-end-menneskelige. Tænk hvis der er noget der kan vise os, at vi som mennesker ikke er almægtige, og at der…
In FALLUCKA #5-7 we meet Ed Templeton, artist and skater from Huntington Beach California. I met Ed Templeton and his wife Deanna Templeton for the first time. I have wanted to meet Ed for a long time and is a great admirer of his works. I was truly a bit nervous when I…
After a longer pause we are back with a fantastic conversation the artist Nathan Gulick, visiting town from LA for his solo show, Waiting Room, at C4 Projects. We met and had a live recording at C4, and it was both a lot of fun and very interesting. Nathan is eloquent and engaged, and we got a ….
And we are back! Thanks for hanging in there. Today we have a conversation we’ve been really excited to share with you, with the artist FOS, also known by his government name of Thomas Poulsen. This talk was recorded during the summer when he had a quite ambitious show up at Gallery Nils Stærk here in Copenhagen, and it turned out to…
The warm months have fully settled upon the land, and with every Danish summer comes the yearly tradition of Roskilde Festival, one of the world’s largest music festivals. Around 130,000 people attend the festival, which is run by a non-profit organization. For many years now they have also had a surprisingly ambitious art zone during the festival, with running themes and critical commentary on social and political issues. This year, for example…
We have Signe Vad on the show today, which is very exciting, and has been a long time coming. She is an exceptionally hard working artist, with tons of projects always in the works as well has her own production, and she somehow gets it all done. She is a serial collaborator, exhibition space leader and cultural front runner, and we have the pleasure of hearing about it. Our talk is also fascinating because…
We are back again today with another super interesting talk, with the artist group Mathias & Mathias. They had a show up at Overgaden a little while back, and we were fortunate enough to have the chance to sit down and talk to them. It was a great conversation, touching on many topics, with a lot of behind the scenes talk, which is always interesting. It’s good to hear from working artists what…
Today we are terribly excited to bring you an actually well timed conversation, with the wonderful Jonas Liveröd. It’s been a while coming, but it fits perfectly, because already on this Friday, April 20th, he has a solo show opening at the great Steinsland Berliner Gallery in Stockholm. So as awesome as the conversation we are about to play for you is, it’s always better to...
On this Mini-episode of By The Way: A Contemporary Art News Podcast Eric talks about Postmasters Gallery NYC and their recent Patreon campaign strategy. He has his doubts, but what do you think?
By The Way, also wants to give a shout out to The Conversation Art Podcast, as Jenny Danielsson, our co-host from episode #11 Los Angeles and Shrinkage In The Art Market was interviewed. They are making a great podcast and you all should go take a listen.
Today, in serendipitous timing, we are joined by the art group Sara, Peter & Tobias, who were kind enough to sit down with us for a wide ranging conversation about their first book, Phenomina. And just last week they won the British Journal of Photography International Photography Award for their new project, The Merge. We had a very interesting conversation together not only about their projects, but also about...
By The Way, welcomes guest Jenny Danielsson from the Danielsson & Carlson podcast.
Jenny shares the news about the recent firing of Helen Molesworth at Los Angeles’ Museum of Contemporary Arts. Jenny and Eric then speculate what might have led to the firing. In the second news story, Eric shares the most recent “health report” of the art market by USB and Art Basel. Are the big galleries and collectors really all that good for the art market?
Let us know what you think. Why was Helen Molesworth fired? And what is your assessment of the health of the art market?
When you talk process with an artist, many similarities between practices begin to pop up over time, but there are also those occasions where you hear about more independent ways of working and thinking. Todays conversation with Johan Furåker is of that ilk, one of the ones which are quite inspiring. He’s a thoughtful artist, and methodical, and if you look at his work, you can...
Ah, the march of time, the learning of lessons, the rediscovery of delight! What a great talk we have for you today! In the middle of significant personal and political chaos we are so very proud to bring to you today a wonderful conversation with Ditte Ejlerskov recorded a couple of months ago. Talking to her was a reminder of so many important things one must hold dear as an artist; choosing the...
Eric and Ando take a trip around the world in this episode. Iranian contemporary art gallerist is facing a jail time, corporal punishment, and confiscation of their assets for their involvement in the art world. We discuss street artist Invader, and his tasteless placement of his works in the country of Bhutan. We first spoke about Invader in BTW episode #1 - Thievery. Lastly, we discuss a legal case in France, where Facebook is being charged with limiting the freedom of expression of a school teacher. The teacher charges that Facebook deleted his account when he posted Gustave Courbet’s The Origin of the World (1866).
We had the great pleasure of meeting and speaking with Yazan Khalili last week, who is the winner of the extract prize 2015 from GLStrand, and just opened his solo show there, by the name of No One Saw The Colours. We had a really fantastic talk about making art, politics, representation and working under tough conditions. Yazan is very dedicated to...
Today Eric and Ando blaze through 4 topics. Pussy Riot seeks asylum in Sweden, and the Guggenheim offers Donald Trump a golden toilet by Maurizio Cattelan. Topics become a little more serious when they bring up Nan Goldin and the opioid crisis in the US. Goldin calls on her fellow artists and art institutions to resist the Sackler Family and Purdue Pharma. And what would be an episode BTW without...
One of the great things about making this show is the wide variation in experiences and interests we get to hear from the guests. After Nanna last time, we have a completely different type of artist on the show today, with a very different kind of story. It’s nice, because as artists, you slowly start to realize that there isn’t a single way forward, or a rule, or a technique to“make it”. So in that spirit, we have...
Welcome back, and happy New Year to all! We have a great artist and incredibly sweet human on the show today; Nanna Debois Buhl. I have gotten to know her a bit over the last year or so and the more I hear about what she does, and how she does it, the more I fall in love with her work. It’s thoughtful, well-researched and also very...
Lyt med til Tee salon-samtalen med fokus på den britiske modedesigner, icon, aktivist og feminist Vivienne Westwood. Foruden vores faste medlem af Tee Salon panelet Uffe Elbæk deltager vores gæster Ane Lynge- Jorlén modeforsker og direktør for Alpa og Silas Adler kreativ direktør og stifter af tøjmærket Soulland i samtalen hvor vi forsøger at blive klogere på Vivienne Westwood.