Balance ft. Helene Lundbye Petersen (#32)
Photo by Salit Krac
Today we are joined by the articulate and bright Helene Lundbye Petersen, founder of White Page Project. She was a talented curator who left the academic art world to start the project. She is a force to be reckoned with, and she isn't afraid to dream big. White Page Project is an ambitious project with many goals, among which include overhauling the entire art system. Good stuff. We had an engaged and inspiring talk about the project, the need for a balanced world and the small things which make up all of us. Get ready, it's a great one.
Images from White Page Project:
The White Book Performance Lectures No.2, Denmark from WhitePageProject on Vimeo.
Interstitial music kindly provided by:
Intro & outro music kindly provided by: