CHART Art Fair Warm Up (#104)
Photo: Jesper Palermo
In honor of our new collaboration with the CHART Art Fair, we have special episode out today, featuring some of the founding galleries and the director of the fair. Through talking with them about the ideas behind the fair and some of the guiding principles, we’ve compiled an oral history of sorts as a warm up to the event, which opens here in Copenhagen on Friday the 1st of September. It’s the 5th anniversary of the fair, and it was tremendously interesting to hear from the folks behind it, and there were even a few surprises along the way. We’ll be doing a bunch of recording and meeting of folks, so say hi if you catch us there, and stay tuned for the next few weeks of programing from the fair.
Links for the Episode:
CHART Art Fair - 5th Edition! - Sept 1-3
The Founding Galleries of CHART:
Interstitial music for this episode kindly provided by: