Posts tagged Graffiti
FALLUCKA #19 - ’Når mennesker mødes’ Husk Mit Navn & Mikkel Grønnebæk

FALLUCKA har i dette afsnit af ’Når mennesker mødes’ sat Husk Mit Navn og Mikkel Grønnebæk fra V1 Galleri stævne i et nedlagt solcenter på Amager. Resultatet er en podcast, der tager os på en kunstnerisk tidsrejse tilbage til slutningen af 90’erne og starten af 00’erne. Vi taler om pølsekunst på Amager, om Husk Mit Navn og Mikkels debut som ”Lorte DJs” på Rust, om ikke at kunne…

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A Different Time ft. Todd James (#112)

One of the great things about making this show is the wide variation in experiences and interests we get to hear from the guests. After Nanna last time, we have a completely different type of artist on the show today, with a very different kind of story. It’s nice, because as artists, you slowly start to realize that there isn’t a single way forward, or a rule, or a technique to“make it”. So in that spirit, we have...

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Do What Feels Wrong ft. Anders Reventlov Part 2 (#82)

Hello friends, welcome back to the second part of our talk with the scintillating Anders Reventlov. We bring it all home here in the second half, and this talk is chock full of pertinent information for young artists, all artists really. There is a lot of worthwhile conversation about some pretty burning issues in the art world today and issues it might be important to think about as practicing artists. We are going to hear about the exhibition space he started, the thoughts behind (it’s not what you think) and about the slow evolution of his own thoughts on...

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It's Your Own Fault ft. Anders Reventlov Part 1 (#81)

Greetings gang, here we are back again. In the midst of some upheaval and expansion, we bring you part one of our stellar talk with Anders Reventlov. He is the perfect guest for times of change, and he’s the first one ever we’ve met through the show itself. He is an unusually engaged fellow (and we meet a lot of engaged people) and since meeting him we’ve found he is a talented artist as well. He has a really interesting story, he works...

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Childhood Room ft. Husk Mit Navn (#56)

Today we are talking graffiti, art and transitions. We have the biggest graffiti and street artist in Denmark on the show today, Husk Mit Navn, which means remember my name in Danish. He is a seriously prolific artist, just take a look at his site to see everything he does. He stays in his studio, which he calls an adult version of his childhood room, and makes drawings, paintings and sculptures about all of...

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