Posts tagged Mixed Media
A Slow Motion Explosion ft. Jonas Liveröd (#117)

Today we are terribly excited to bring you an actually well timed conversation, with the wonderful Jonas Liveröd. It’s been a while coming, but it fits perfectly, because already on this Friday, April 20th, he has a solo show opening at the great Steinsland Berliner Gallery in Stockholm. So as awesome as the conversation we are about to play for you is, it’s always better to...

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Vox Populi ft. Gillian Wearing (#109)

A couple of weeks ago the National Gallery of Art (SMK) here in Copenhagen unveiled a bronze sculpture in front of the museum by Gillian Wearing called A Real Danish Family. This is also in conjunction with an exhibition of her works, they are both well worth seeing. We were lucky enough to have the chance to sit down with Gillian to talk both about the sculpture she made about this danish family, and...

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Unreality ft. Ulrik Heltoft (#95)

Today we fight back at the tyranny of reality together with Ulrik Heltoft. He is, in our opinion, one of the more interesting artists here in Denmark, and is also sneakily very influential here. He teaches, he makes art, and he produces the some of the wildest things you’ve never heard about. If you look at his work on a international level, you’ll start to see...

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Revisit Practice ft. Seimi Nørregaard (#92)

Well just like that we have reached the final episode of the year. I just had a great talk with Seimi Nørregaard, an artist who I was not previously acquainted with but who I’m certainly glad to now know. I wanted to release this one right away because she currently has a show up at Overgaden, which will be up until the 8th of Jan. So how about some art over the vacation huh? She is a hard artist to pin down, and we certainly talk about that, but she comes from a...

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The Opposite Way ft. A Kassen (#91)

We are of course here to talk to A Kassen, the conceptual powerhouse of an artists group. I had the pleasure of talking to half the group, Tommy Petersen and Søren Petersen. I had a lot of questions for them, in the way I usually do, and I found that perhaps at the end of the day their works really speak for themselves. They have a really interesting practice, but in certain cases a...

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What Do I Know ft. Olaf Breuning (#89)

Hello gang. Well here we are, episode 89, just gliding ever so softly into number 90. Today we have a fun one for you, We think you will enjoy it, it’s Olaf Breuning everybody! We’ve been fans of his special world for a number of years now, and finally had the chance to sit down with him and hear about it. All we can say is that some people just have a personal vision, and there is no...

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My Favorite Thing, Maybe ft. Cali Thornhill Dewitt (#88)

This week we have a man who’s production exists outside of any single plane of work, it’s Cali Thornhill Dewitt y’all. He has run an independent record label, he makes clothes, worked as a nanny for Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, and of course, is an artist in his own right. He’s a hard guy to pin down, and he’s a very thoughtful man, so it was a pleasure to hear about...

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The Life of an Artwork ft. Rasmus Høj Mygind (#87)

The guest on todays episode is somebody we’ve heard a lot about throughout the years, but through our own intellectual laziness had not seen much work by. We can only assume you, dear listener, have been smarter and more on top of it than we have because Rasmus Høj Mygind has been out there getting good work done, helping run...

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The Lamination of Virtues ft. Augusta Atla & Nikos Branidis (#66)

This is our first ever live recording in front of an audience, and we have some great guests on as well. Augusta Atla & Nikos Branidis were kind enough to sit down with us and a small audience at the Museums Building and talk about their show there. We covered a lot of interesting topics, both about their show and past, but also about...

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